Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Birth place of Bruce Lee

For those of you who are fans of Chinese Kung-Fu cinema, I must let you know that I have made it (safely but painfully) to Hong Kong, the birthplace of the one and only, Bruce Lee. I believe Bruce Lee really represents the resilience of this people, who have not only survived, but thrived over centuries of colonization and oppression, in a little enclave, surrounded by super-powers. I would think Singapore is similar (and according to their history, it certainly seems so). Singapore has become the thriving, modern city that it is today in the past 40 years, right after its emancipation in 1965 (it had already its own government in 1959 but had a short affair with Malaysia). Of course, the same party, the PAP (People's Action Party) founded by Lee Kuan Yew has been in power ever since, but in this case the authoritative regime has proven itself to be beneficial to this mixed bowl of cultures and religions. I will be staying in Little India and the Muslim quarters, so it should not be too unfamiliar from my days in Africa.

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